Koinonia’s Monthly Scripture Prompt

4 Great Reasons to Join the Scripture Prompt Challenge

Andrea Cannon
3 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Joshua Lewis on Unsplash

Okay, it’s not really a challenge. Koinonia is one of my favorite publications on Medium. I can always find inspirational and informative articles about the Bible, life, health, and writing. Each month they offer a scripture prompt for their writers. I wrote an article for every month’s prompt in 2021. It was a great experience. If you are looking for something new to write about, here are some reasons to write about scripture.

The monthly scripture prompt got me studying and analyzing the Bible on a much deeper level than I ever had before. I am not a biblical scholar. I wanted my articles to accurately represent the truth of the Gospel. So, each month I would read the scripture and the surrounding text in several different translations. I did research for more information. I discussed the scripture with ladies in my prayer group. I studied. As a result, I gained a much deeper understanding of God’s word.

The prompts gave me a topic to write about every month, regardless of where my muse had run off to. There are lots of publications on Medium and elsewhere on the world wide web that provide writing prompts. I love them. Sometimes my brain refuses to cooperate with my desire to write. The prompts are a go-to for me whenever that happens…

