Flipping Through My Sketchbook

Andrea Cannon
4 min readSep 19, 2022
Photo by Caio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/baby-coloring-on-book-179747/

I love to draw, color, paint…anything creative and I want to try it. Art was one of my favorite classes in school, and I still run to my sketchbook when I need a creative outlet for relieving any stress the day causes.

I recently filled the last page of a sketchbook I purchased way back in 2017, and I thought it would be fun to share some of my work here on Medium. Beware, I am no great artist—just a girl who likes the feel of a pencil scratching out lines on textured paper. So, without further ado…

Image by the author

This sketch was done on day one of an art class my hubby and I took together. The local high school where we lived had this program called community extension or something like that. They offered several classes for anyone in the community that lasted about six weeks and were held in the evenings. We loved it.

Image by the author

This is a drawing that I copied from a book. It was one of those ‘learn to draw people and figures’ type books that I had given to my niece. We spent an afternoon learning to draw together.

