Write or Die

Andrea Cannon
2 min readJan 8, 2020
Photo by My Life Journal on Unsplash

Tonight I filled the last page of one of my writing journals — nothing fancy, just some notes I wanted to jot down. It’s a strange feeling because my journalling is all over the place.

I have several notebooks that I write in at different times and for various reasons. I’ll buy a new one and tell myself ‘this one is only for quick notes.’ Another one is only for free writing. I have a third that is solely dedicated to a novel I am working on, and I have two journals for prayer and Bible study.

I do this to be organized, but eventually all of these different journals become overwhelming. I have a hard time maintaining each notebook’s exclusivity for the long haul. My notes tend to get mixed up amongst them all.

I even have a bullet journal. Ah yes, the ever-popular bullet journal. I am supposed to keep this one with me at all times, update the table of contents and task lists, transfer notes to whatever specific journal they belong in. It turns out I am not very good at bullet journaling. But I am great at messy journaling!

The notebook I finished today began way back in…well, it was before my son was born and he’s in college now. So I have in front of me two decades of my thoughts from various phases of my life. My favorite part of messy journaling is reading through them years later. I often find snippets of stories I was working on. Sometimes…

